Magnificent Meals
These are photographs and illustrations I made for a joint project with my friend Lise Faurschou Hastrup, who made text, poems and recipes for the book called 'Mageløse Måltider'... which could be translated into Magnificent Meals.
Magnificent Meals
These are photographs and illustrations I made for a joint project with my friend
Lise Faurschou Hastrup, who wrote text, poems and recipes for the book called 'Mageløse Måltider'
in Danish, which could be translated into 'Magnificent Meals'.
Photography and illustrations: Nils Henrik Pedersen
Recipes and cooking: Lise Faurschou Hastrup
Food styling: Lise Faurschou Hastrup and Nils Henrik Pedersen
Food styling: Lise Faurschou Hastrup and Nils Henrik Pedersen

Front page illustration